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Ash Class Daily Task 6.5.20 - Super Spellers

Good morning, fabulous home learners!

Your spelling words for this term are listed below.

Can you create some posters / art to stick up around your home to help you to learn them? You could use bubble writing or type them on the computer. Test yourself first - if you can already spell it, focus on the ones that you don't yet know confidently. Adapt the task to your abilities - choose some harder / easier words if needed!

Mrs Thomas

Year 1

  1. Love

  2. Come

  3. Some

  4. One

  5. Once

  6. Ask

  7. Friend

  8. School

  9. Put

  10. Push

  11. Pull

  12. Full

  13. House

  14. Our

Year 2

  1. move,

  2. prove,

  3. improve,

  4. sure,

  5. sugar,

  6. eye,

  7. could

  8. should,

  9. would,

  10. who,

  11. whole

  12. any,

  13. many,

  14. clothes,

  15. busy,

  16. people,

  17. water,

  18. again,

  19. half,

  20. money,

  21. Mr,

  22. Mrs,

  23. parents

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