Parent Survey 2023-2024
Every year, we undertake a Parental Survey. This is a vital part of the school improvement process and allows us to identify what parents feel we do well and what improvements that they feel we could make.
The results from this annual survey are shared and discussed with staff and governors.
Our last survey was undertaken in July 2024 and we had 20 responses. Staff and governors evaluated these results and they will form part of our school development for the next academic year.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete this year's survey and for the lovely positive comments and things for us to reflect on for the next academic year.
Due to the low numbers of responses it is difficult to get a full picture of the views of parents and carers but while their are low numbers, we will still take each individuals feedback on board to develop the school further.
As a school we know we won't get everything right and we know that we all can often have varying opinions on key things in school but as a school we try to make decisions that the majority can get behind. If there is something you feel you want to discuss with us as you are unhappy with how things are done, do please make an appointment to talk to Mr smith about it or for smaller things please do feedback or join the Parent Forum (more details on joining this will be found by clicking here.
Survey Results
Key Strengths
Areas to consider
-Consistency with Behaviour across school
-Ways to stream-line communication