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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Inclusion Lead- Mrs Lovesay-Bonham-



SEND Mind Maps

Click on the links below to find out more about specific needs and possible strategies to use at home.







At Newbottle and Charlton CEVA School, our intention is that all children are provided with equal opportunities and access to the curriculum, with challenges and support that reflects their needs. All children are equally valued and are taught to value each other as individuals. All pupils, regardless of physical or learning needs or abilities, are included in all aspects of school life. High-quality teaching that is differentiated and personalised will meet the individual needs of the majority of children. Some children need educational provision that is additional and different to this. This is a special educational provision under Section 21 of the Children and Families Act 2014.


A child of compulsory school age has a learning difficulty or disability if she or he:

  • has significantly greater difficulty in learning than most others of the same age, or

  • has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools. (SEND Code of Practice).


Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) can affect a child or young person’s ability to learn. They can affect their:

  • behaviour or ability to socialise, for example they struggle to make friends

  • reading and writing, for example because they have dyslexia

  • ability to understand things

  • concentration levels, for example because they have ADHD

  • physical ability


For more information, please see our school policies and reports:

Inclusion Policy 2023

Annual Inclusion Report 2023


If you have any questions, please contact our Inclusion Lead (Mrs Hannah Lovesay-Bonham)

on the email address above. 


Useful websites for parents:




Where to go for more information:


The Local Offer


All local authorities are required to publish information about services available for children and young people (aged 0 to 25) with special educational needs and disabilities.


The Local Offer:

  • provides information for families with children who have a special educational need or disability

  • improves choice and transparency for these families

  • helps professionals to understand the range of services and provision available locally

  • improves joint commissioning arrangements for services by setting out in a single place what is available locally


As the school sits on the county border, we supply links to both West Northamptonshire and Oxfordshire. Please click on the links below for further information: 

      Parents can contact the Local Offer team by e-mailing


Oxfordshire services can be accessed if you live in Oxfordshire or have an Oxfordshire GP. As a Northamptonshire school these pupils will still be able to access most services.


External links

The government’s SEND Code of Practice and a related guide for parents have more information- click on the links below for further information:

SEND Code of Practice 2015

SEND: A guide for parents and carers 





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