Sports Competitions
The Northamptonshire School Games is part of a national programme of competitive sport that is open to all young people in every school across Northamptonshire. It is a celebration of competitive sport for young people aged 5-18 years, of all abilities and backgrounds. The School Games programme we follow is made up of three levels of competition:
Intra-School: Competition within a school e.g regular house competitions
Inter-School: Competitions between local schools e.g cluster/partnership events
County Finals: Competitions between schools countywide, representing their districts
As a school we enter many competitions throughout the year and we try to include as many children as possible, as pupil feedback states that they love attending competitions and representing the school. We enter competitions at all levels.
INCLUSIVE COMPETITION An Inter-School Games Competition where the winners and in some instances the runners up will feed directly into the County School Games Finals. At least 50% of a team attending an Inclusive Competition must have Special Educational Needs and/or Disability.
BROADENING PARTICIPATION COMPETITION Broadening Participation Competitions provide opportunities for schools to involve different children and young people to the ones that would usually attend school competitions. They will provide opportunities for pupils to participate and represent their school at District / County Finals in a format that is competitive but at a level that is appropriate to their ability. Winning will still be celebrated and/or rewarded. However, it is the children’s
motivation, competence and confidence that are at the centre of the competition.
DEVELOPMENT COMPETITION Sports that are designated as ‘Development’ are aimed at engaging new participants into that sport. They will be of a competitive nature. These would be different children to those who are chosen by the school to be part of the ‘Performance Competition’ team or it could be a child who has not tried the development sport before but might take up the sport if given the opportunity to access it. They will not already be members of community sports clubs*, nor will they be receiving coaching (from a qualified coach) outside of school in this sport but can be members of an extra-curricular school-based club. Eligibility criteria is set to engage new participants into the sport.
PERFORMANCE COMPETITION Sports and events that are defined as Performance Competition will be competitive. The competitions aimed at children and young people in school who will most likely already play the sport in which they are to compete – or are sporty children who take part in a number of different sports. Participants are permitted to be members of a community sports club and/or receive coaching outside of school in this sport. The winner of the district competitions will then compete at County Finals. A school may enter any number of Performance Competitions.
The competition we organise and participate in will all have different intentions, which enables us to target different groups of children. These intentions are fundamental to the Sports Mark Award and include:
To develop character and life skills
To develop different sport specific skills
To engage new audiences
To improve health
To increase motivation
To foster social connections
To develop physical skills
To support individual development in sport