Parent Survey 2021-2022
Every year, we undertake a Parental Survey. This is a vital part of the school improvement process and allows us to identify what parents feel we do well and what improvements that they feel we could make.
The results from this annual survey are shared and discussed with staff and governors
Our last survey was undertaken in June 2022 and we had 11 responses.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete this year's survey and for the lovely positive comments and things for us to consider for the next academic year.
Click the link below for survey results:
Past Survey Results:
Areas worked on from last year’s survey
• Returning to normal drop off arrangements
Went back to normal drop off but continued to use the playground to help spread out
• Increasing the variety of clubs
- Increased these after we needed to reduce these from lockdowns
• Look at how we can develop communication between parents and teachers
- Set up parent forum, Looking at ways Seesaw can be utilised
• Develop outdoor skills based learning
- Introduction of Forest School and continuing training for outdoor learning
• Review and refine our procedures with dealing with persistent behavioural issues and ensure parents are aware of these procedures and processes
- Clear guidance for parents and staff. Continuing this year.
• to give information about what children are studying
- Reintroduced
• Share on more ways to support children at home- including re-evaluate reporting to parents cycle.
- Looked into ways to share what is working at home, face-to-face parents evening. Continuing this year
Areas to work on from this year’s survey
• Ensuring all members of staff have a consistent approach in dealing with situations that may arise
• Ways to share progress of individual children
• Continue to review homework
• Looking at ways to support new parents to understand the key parts of school life
• Refocus for teachers to remind children to wear the correct aprons when painting etc.